There were many restrictions regarding fashion during the Renaissance period. It was allotted by the monarchs who would wear what kind of clothes including the cost of the material. A major class difference existed at that time. It is not just the materials but also the styles depending on which class you belong to. The lower class like laborers could wear linen which is a cool and light fabric extracted from the skin of sheep, wool, and flax plants.
Cotton was started to be manufactured at that time but Elizabethan England didn’t allow its import and use just to protect the wool industry which was one of the chief exports of England. In 1973 cotton started to become a favored fabric in England.
1. Women’s fashion during the renaissance;

The design and styles of gowns worn by women during that time kept on changing for years yet the basic style was the same. They used to wear a tight-fitting bodice along with a fuller skirt hanging down to the ankles. The motif was to expose the neckline which was considered acceptable and fashionable at the time. The women who belonged to the upper class had restricted movement and used to wear heavy gowns whereas the lower-class women had much freedom when it came to fashion.
The women who belonged to the lower class did not have servants to help them dress, hence didn’t have many boundaries over clothes and had freedom of movement. They could easily wear a loose corset or farthingales for comfort.
Women used to wear a loose, linen smock to protect their gowns along with a pair of knee-high stockings. They also wore petticoats to fill out a gown and feel warm.
2. Men’s fashion during the renaissance;

A very common outfit in men’s fashion back at that time was a shirt which is pretty much similar to the concept shirt we see in today’s era. The difference was it had lace collars and cuffs. They used to wear a fitted top or a doublet over the shirt and then a jerkin which is a close-fitting jacket. The lower-class men usually dressed for utility and just wore a shirt alone.
Men used to wear hose instead of trousers back at that time. They wore an upper hose which was knee-length and a nether hose or stockings on the lower part of the legs. During the period of Henry VIII, there was a trend of short doublets just to create a space from the upper hose. According to them, this was a sign of modesty.
Another thing that has been very popular since the Middle Ages is the codpiece. This was made out of animal skin and looked like trousers. This is also available in today’s world but comes in various materials.
3. Children’s Fashion during the Renaissance;

Children were considered young adults during that period in England which was also reflected in their dresses. They used to wear similar clothes to their parents depending on their social class.
The design and styles of gowns worn by women during that time kept on changing for years yet the basic style was the same. They used to wear a tight-fitting bodice along with a fuller skirt hanging down to the ankles. The motif was to expose the neckline which was considered acceptable and fashionable at the time. A very common outfit in men’s fashion back at that time was a shirt which is pretty much similar to the concept shirt we see in today’s era. The difference was it had lace collars and cuffs. They used to wear a fitted top or a doublet over the shirt and then a jerkin which is a close-fitting jacket. The lower-class men usually dressed for utility and just wore a shirt alone.
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